What are pseudo-elements?

Pseudo-elements are fictional elements that do not exist in HTML. They address the element's sub-part (non-existent in HTML) and not the element itself. In CSS1 there are two pseudo-elements: 'first-line pseudo-element' and 'first-letter pseudo-element'. They can be attached to block-level elements (e.g. paragraphs or headings) to allow typographical styling of their sub-parts. Pseudo-element is created by a colon followed by pseudo-element's name, e.g:


and can be combined with normal classes; e.g:


First-line pseudo-element allows sub-parting the element's first line and attaching specific style exclusively to this sub-part; e.g.:

P.initial:first-line {text-transform: uppercase}

<P class=initial>The first line of this paragraph will be displayed in uppercase letters</P>

First-letter pseudo-element allows sub-parting the element's first letter and attaching specific style exclusively to this sub-part; e.g.:

P.initial:first-letter { font-size: 200%; color: red}

<P class=initial>The first letter of this paragraph will be displayed in red and twice as large as the remaining letters</P>

How do I combine multiple sheets into one?

 To combine multiple/partial style sheets into one set the TITLE attribute taking one and the same value to the LINK element. The combined style will apply as a preferred style, e.g.:

<LINK REL=Stylesheet HREF="default.css" TITLE="combined">
<LINK REL=Stylesheet HREF="fonts.css" TITLE="combined">
<LINK REL=Stylesheet HREF="tables.css" TITLE="combined">

How do you use css file in asp.net?

Inside the <HEAD> tag of an HTML document that will use these styles, add a link to this external CSS style sheet that
follows this form:
<LINK REL="STYLESHEET" TYPE="text/css" HREF="Style/MyStyles.css">

What is contextual selector?

 Contextual selector is a selector that addresses specific occurrence of an element. It is a string of individual selectors separated by white space, a search pattern, where only the last element in the pattern is addressed providing it matches the specified context.

TD P CODE {color: red}

The element CODE will be displayed in red but only if it occurs in the context of the element P which must occur in the context of the element TD.

TD P CODE, H1 EM {color: red}

The element CODE will be displayed in red as described above AND the element EM will also be red but only if it occurs in the context of H1

P .footnote {color: red}

Any element with CLASS footnote will be red but only if it occurs in the context of P

P .footnote [lang]{color: red}

Any element with attribute LANG will be red but only if it is classed as "footnote" and occurs in the context of P

What is ID selector?

 ID selector is an individually identified (named) selector to which a specific style is declared. Using the ID attribute the declared style can then be associated with one and only one HTML element per document as to differentiate it from all other elements. ID selectors are created by a character # followed by the selector's name. The name can contain characters a-z, A-Z, digits 0-9, period, hyphen, escaped characters, Unicode characters 161-255, as well as any Unicode character as a numeric code, however, they cannot start with a dash or a digit.

#abc123 {color: red; background: black}

<P ID=abc123>This and only this element can be identified as abc123 </P>

What is CSS rule 'ruleset'?

 There are two types of CSS rules: ruleset and at-rule. Ruleset identifies selector or selectors and declares style which is to be attached to that selector or selectors. For example P {text-indent: 10pt} is a CSS rule. CSS rulesets consist of two parts: selector, e.g. P and declaration, e.g. {text-indent: 10pt}.

P {text-indent: 10pt} - CSS rule (ruleset)
{text-indent: 10pt} - CSS declaration
text-indent - CSS property
10pt - CSS value

What is embedded style? How to link?

 The HEAD area, where the TITLE and META tags are found, is also used to store CSS commands.
These are called embedded CSS. Any embedded CSS command will over-ride an external CSS command of the same tag. Embedded commands are more specific to the page.

Embedded CSS codes are placed within the HEAD area of the page code. That is anywhere after the <HEAD> tag and before the </HEAD> tag. NOT in the HEAD tag itself.

<style type="text/css" media=screen>
p {font-family: georgia, serif; font-size: x-small;}
hr {color: #ff9900; height: 1px }
a:hover {color: #ff0000; text-decoration: none}

Now, whenever any of those elements are used within the body of the document, they will be formatted as instructed in the above style sheet.

Is CSS case sensitive?

 Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is not case sensitve. However, font families, URLs to images, and other direct references with the style sheet may be.

If your page uses an XML declaration and an XHTML DOCTYPE then the CSS selectors will be case-sensitive for some browsers, if your page uses a HTML DOCTYPE then your CSS selectors will be case-insensitive.

It is a good idea to avoid naming classes where the only difference is the case, for example:
div.myclass { ...}
div.myClass { ... }